Working with us

  • Do you have a stove project that you want to expand?
  • Do you have a project concept and needed a way of accessing emission reductions?
  • Do you have a grassroots network that needs cleaner ways of cooking?

Why not talk to For Stoves about coming under our umbrella and receiving CERs for the reductions from stoves your network and customers create?

Please contact us

For Stoves can also talk to you about helping you raise investment finance for the upfront costs of your project.

Making it simpler

For Stoves will provide the structure for many project developers to finance their stove projects.   The umbrella PoA allows each project developer to run ‘CPAs’ – Coordinated Project Activities.  For Stoves will establish the PoA and enable the CERs to be issued.

For Stoves will liaise with project developers, interface between them and the UN, help them through the processes required to ensure the projects are validated, and ensure the emission reductions are monitored, verified and issued.


Each project developer has responsibilities.   Each developer needs to run their project in an honest, transparent way, monitoring all the activities and liaising with For Stoves.   The UN requires strict monitoring and reporting.  For Stoves will advise and coordinate this, but each developer has to manage their project well, monitor the stoves and deliver reports.

Coming under the umbrella has great advantages, making a project developer part of an international team.  There are team responsibilities and each project developer’s actions affects the others.   We need all projects to work diligently and openly to ensure that the UN and its validators endorse the For Stoves umbrella and team, ensuring a steady, uninterrupted flow of CERs.

Costs and benefit sharing

Each project developer having a CPA under the For Stoves umbrella will pay a fee to For Stoves for the use of the PoA. This payment forms a revenue stream for For Stoves to pay its operating costs and repay its initial loans.

In this way the costs of the PoA will be spread across several projects, making it cheaper than it would be if each project registered independently with the UN.  It also means the required systems, records and interaction with the UN will be centralised, and the bureaucracy will be minimised to one central location: For Stoves.

For Stoves is a not-for-profit company and its finances will be transparent.

Contact us through:  or call or text/SMS +44 7881 952983


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