Carbon finance

Providing Certified Emission Reductions efficiently

For Stoves is registering a Programme of Activities (PoA) with the United Nations, under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol.

A PoA is like an umbrella: different project developers, in different countries, can come under the one umbrella.  As each stove in the different projects reduces greenhouse gases from what they otherwise would have been, those emission reductions are ‘certified’ by the UN’s process and the Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) can be sold.  The money from the CERs helps pay for the stove projects.

Each project developer doesn’t have to go through the bureaucracy and costs of registering its project with the UN: For Stoves is doing that work.

For Stoves holds the umbrella and developers across the world can come under the umbrella, working together to create healthier living environments.

The For Stoves umbrella

The first project coming under the For Stoves umbrella PoA is with the Maasai in Tanzania.   Over the past two years Professor Robert Lange of the International Collaborative of Science, Education and the Environment (ICSEE) has designed a stove with the Maasai women that the women love.

Kisioki Moitiko is managing the project around Monduli District to install efficient stoves, saving lives, wood, trees and 12 hours a week of each woman’s time which they can then employ for other activities such as farming.   Over 400 stoves have been installed to date.

The cost of manufacturing and installing and maintaining each stove is $93.  Locally people are prepared to pay at least $55; the remainder, $38, will be financed through sale of CERs.   $55 is the value of one large goat or two smaller ones and is affordable by most Maasai.

At the moment, the difference between what the Maasai are paying and the cost of the stove is funded by charity through the ICSEE. Professor Lange has set up a new company in Tanzania, Nyumbani Innovations (Innovations for the Home).  Nyumbani Innovations has come under the For Stoves umbrella and has a business plan which will use the PoA to access finance from the CERs to install over 500,000 stoves in Maasai land.  For more information, click here.

Stove project developers:  For Stoves has partners in various countries.  If you have a stove project that you would like to scale up or one you would like to develop, please click here

Investors and CER buyers:  If you like what we’re doing and have money to invest in stove projects or would like to buy CERs, please get in touch.   Here’s an opportunity to invest in one project or develop a relationship with a group of similarly robust projects, each one helping its community. Click – contact

Social Carbon

The emission reductions from the first CPA, with the Maasai, will be registered as
Social Carbon CERs, ensuring their sustainable attributes are valued and that the reductions are attractive to both the compliance and voluntary market. We think Social Carbon gives added value to the emission reductions. There’s information on this site and also on Social Carbon’s site.

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